Top 5 summer fruit best for glowing skin and health

You may feel guilty when you wake up in the morning and find that there is a big, inviting breakfast with lots of hot fruit waiting for you at the table.

There are many reasons why eating fruit is good for your body and skin so don’t give your back to a huge amount of healthy nutrients and overcome temptation, bon appétit!


Watermelon is a fruit of summer season . It come in market at the start of summer season. In watermelon have a huge amount of water . It is important for health and beauty. Watermelon helps to reduce heat from your body . People like to eat watermelon as a fruit or make juice. Watermelon make your stomach healthy.

This refreshing and tempting fruit from southern Africa is a source of beauty for a variety of reasons:

It contains Vitamin C and Lycopene which are natural antioxidants that protect our skin from the harmful effects of free radicals – remember that free radicals cause skin rejuvenation and accelerate skin aging processes.

Vitamin C

In addition to its antioxidant properties, Vitamin C enhances the synthesis of collagen essential for maintaining skin firmness and hydration.


Lycopene and beta-carotene (another key nutrient) help protect against sunburn, and beta-carotene can also help prevent psoriasis.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, also present in this beautiful fruit, repairs and rejuvenates the skin and makes it look healthier and brighter.

Also for inner beauty

The beauty features of Watermelon do not only apply to the skin. It also contains a lot of Citrulline, a substance that increases arginine levels which is a stimulant for hair growth.

Low calories

In addition, it contains very few calories and a lot of water, so it helps prevent water retention and may contribute to weight loss.


In watermelon have a lot of amount of water protect you from dehydration


Mango is a fruit of summer . Mango is a most sweetest fruit . Mango also called king of fruits. People like to eat mango as fruit ,make drink,shake,juice and also use in cake and sweet dishes.

This juicy and delicious tropical fruit contains a significant amount of Vitamin C and A that promote collagen formation.

Potassium and vitamin E

Potassium and Vitamin E, also present in this fruit, have good moisturizing effects.

Control oil and acne

While we may think that a sugary fruit like mango may not be good for someone with acne, the fact is that mangos actually help control oily and acne-prone skin.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium

They contain Vitamin B6 and Magnesium which help regulate sebum production, and Beta-Carotene which protects the skin from germs and toxins.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K has medicinal properties and helps reduce stretch marks, so don’t be surprised if you find certain cosmetics that contain mango fruit tops.

Protect from deceases:

All of these nutrients included in this yummy fruit will not only enhance the health of your skin but also your immune system, heart, eyes, digestive system and hair. However, remember that mango is a fruit of great size and has more calories than others so enjoy its taste and benefits but do not abuse it!


Papaya is delicious fruit in summer season . It is good for health and also your skin . People eat Papaya as a fruit and make papaya juice.
Stripping and lightning building

Papaya is well-known for stripping and lighting buildings. It contains an enzyme called papain that can dissolve dead skin cells and can gradually help even skin tone when applied topically or using papaya soap.

Good source of vitamin A,C,E,K and beta-carotene
Like its counterparts above, drinking papaya is also a good source of Vitamins C, A, E, K and beta-carotene, which means it will also improve skin moisture, firmness and firmness.

Anti aging content

These combined ingredients act as anti-aging agents as they protect our body from free radicals.

Low calories

Papaya is refreshing, has low calories and has high fiber so it is good for your whole body and helps control your weight.


Apple is a healthy fruit . People like to eat apple as a fruit ,juice . Apple use in cream chat , cakes and other sweet dishes.

You already know the saying: “one apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Not only the doctor but also hiding like apples will also help you to keep dark spots and take a picture.

They contain phenolic acids that contribute to the protection of UVA (UVA = photoaging) and UVB damage (UVB = sunburn).
Apples are also high in fiber, so they effectively promote toxins.


Like other common fruits, they contain excellent antioxidants but, in the case of apples, high levels of antioxidants are found in the skin, so we recommend buying organic ones, so you don’t have to peel them. Red apples have a higher amount of antioxidants than green / yellow ones.


They are delicious, low-calorie and surprisingly high in nutrition, very good for the body and skin.

More amount of vitamin C

Their concentration is high in antioxidants, which contain more Vitamin C than any other fruit, which means that their aging properties are amazing. In addition, they contain flavonoids that have great potential for free radicals.
Due to its high content of Vitamin C, all berries are good collagen boosters, especially strawberries and sea buckthorn.

Brighten color

Many berries, such as blueberries and lingonberry that also contain vitamins A, B, E and K will enhance the bright and bright color of Cranberries by adding a large amount of vitamins E and K and, like all other berries, a large amount of C.

All berries are a top food, but there is something special that can be very good for your skin and for the rest of your life, Sea buckthorn. This beauty comes from Asia and Europe and contains 60 different antioxidants and ten times as much vitamin C as an orange. In addition to the common nutrients and vitamins we find in all other berries, they are also rich in B1, B2, B12 and omega fatty acids. They are deceptively harvested and therefore easier to find in their supplementary form than in their original form.

Staple food

Berries are actually a staple food, so if you do not eat them too much, you should consider including them in your diet!

How to eat

People eat berries as a fruit also use in juice and shake . Berries use in salad and other sweet dishes.

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