Freelance writer find one today

Finding a freelance writer can be a daunting task, especially for someone who needs the skills of a skilled writer, but I don’t know where to start looking for him. Not everyone who claims to be an independent writer is one of them. Sure, they can work independently, but they are not as skilled as a writer. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can find a freelance writer who meets your specific details.

Internet Search –

Using Google search engine you can enter a few keywords and see what appears in your search results. Within your search terms, enter “independent author” with quotes. Between ads featuring independent advertising authors [above and right for your search results] and the first ten search results, you should find the right choice. Click on ads and search results to redirect to the website of each independent author. From there, you should be able to decide if this person is right for you.

Article Guides –

Many great article guides on online feature articles posted by freelancers. Freelance Writers will showcase some of their best work in the hope that you will read a few of their articles and choose the next project for them. Visit Ezine Articles,, Article Sphere, and Go Articles to name a few, to learn the works of the best writers on each site.

Paid Places –

Some freelance writers have subscribed to paid subscriptions such as Gugu. As an employer, you can also register with Heritage and submit details of your project online, and receive bids for your work. Make sure all the terms of your project are agreed upon before awarding the project to the author.

Free Sites –

The most popular place to find freelance writers is Craig’s List or craigslist as is often written. Not just freelance writers, but photographers, web designers, you name it. Craig’s listing is the most influential tool in the top 100 of all online sites!

Of course, any freelance writer who deserves his salt will list their website containing samples of some of their best works. Spend a little time to feel their style and ask for a discount before rewarding your project. If you need directions, just ask.

Finding a freelance writer can take time and effort on your part, but by carefully choosing a freelancer you can find someone who wishes to offer you their best work. It can take a while to complete a lot of projects together before you can both decide that your business relationship is “right”. No matter, once you have a “magical” writer on your part, stay with him and you won’t be disappointed.

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